Environmental & Toxic Tort

Our attorneys are litigators, regulatory/compliance counsel, and educators in the area of environmental law. We present at various annual state and national symposiums and author articles for many respected legal publications. Here at Hoagland Longo, we recognize the global challenges that our clients face everyday and we serve them with this in mind.

We have devoted significant time and effort to developing innovative methods of managing asbestos litigation for our clients on a national scale. We work closely with our clients to develop and implement national defense strategies utilized in multiple jurisdictions. We value the long-standing relationships we have developed with our clients, some which have extended more than 20 years.

Our firm serves as National Coordinating Counsel for six companies.  As National Coordinating Counsel, we have the ability to defend cases on any level, including investigating the corporate and product history of a company, coordinating the preparation of discovery, tracking a company’s litigation nationally, developing strategies to obtain successful results for our clients through motion writing and settlement, and participating in preparation for trial.

We immerse ourselves in the science and law needed for effective defense. The result of this effort is our ability to effectively cross-examine plaintiff’s experts and develop our own defense experts for use at trial. We have worked to develop a network of experts who can be utilized by our clients nationwide.

We also have developed an extensive network of asbestos attorneys throughout the country with whom we have worked very closely. We carefully select local counsel and work with them to develop defense strategies and prepare for trial. We prepare our local counsel to work with us in a way that is cost-effective to our clients and avoids duplication of effort. Our local counsel are prepared to assist in contacting and developing potential expert witnesses, assist in the preparation of corporate witnesses, and develop cases for trial.