Marc Gaffrey Speaks at CLM 2014 Construction and Environmental Conference

Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, Boston, MA Claims and Litigation Management

On August 1 in Boston, Marc Gaffrey, the Supervising Partner of our Environmental & Toxic Tort Department will speak at the 2014 Construction and Environmental Conference held by the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance. A wide range of issues will be covered including genetics and toxic tort claims, developing effective national defenses, green coverage, building information modeling (BIM), design professional and contractor risk transfer, multi-party litigation, ISO amendments, and more.  Marc will be covering the topic "Genetics: Could One's Genes Affect One's Risk of Developing a Toxic Tort Related Cancer?". 

Learn about that latest developments and strategies while networking with the professionals of the claims and litigation management industries, corporate and outside counsels, and other industry professionals.  To register and for more information visit the CLM Conference web site.