Marc S. Gaffrey Presented to the New Jersey Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association

Marc S. Gaffrey presented a seminar at the New Jersey Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association's dinner meeting on April 20, 2017.  The seminar was titled, Legal Aspects in Litigation Involving Industrial Hygienists or Industrial Hygiene Work, and it explored legal and litigation issues involving the NJAIHA's profession, how it affects the practicing professional, and considerations that could arise when in the role of an expert witness.

The Mission of the NJAIHA is to promote the industrial hygiene profession; to increase the knowledge of industrial hygiene through interchange and dissemination of information; to promote the study and control of environmental factors affecting the health and well-being of workers; to correlate such activities as are conducted by individual and agencies through industrial, educational and governmental groups and to bring together persons interested in the various phases of industrial hygiene.