Mercer County Executive-elect Dan Benson Appointed Rajvir Goomer as Chair of Law Committee

Incoming Mercer County Executive Dan Benson announced his administration’s Transition Team that includes 17 transition committees, “each designed to address vital aspects of Mercer County's growth and well-being,” according to a press release, as he prepared to lead Mercer County’s government. As Chair of Benson’s Law Committee, Hoagland Longo Partner Rajvir S. Goomer reviewed and made recommendations to improve the County’s legal administration and services.

“These transition committees will provide crucial guidance as we get to work moving Mercer forward,” Benson said. “We’ve worked to build diversity into these committees to ensure every corner of Mercer County has a seat at the table.”

In his transactional and corporate law practice at Hoagland Longo, Rajvir focuses on business acquisitions, commercial and residential real estate, landlord tenant leases and litigation, intellectual property, municipal government, and redevelopment law. Well versed in governmental law, he also guides municipal administrations in all aspects of public entity legal matters.

The full list of Mercer County Executive-elect Dan Benson’s transition committees and their members is available at