Accountants’ Malpractice Defense

At Hoagland Longo, we offer effective defense for accountants facing malpractice claims, representing a diverse range of clients from sole practitioners to large regional accounting firms. Whether insured or uninsured, we are equipped to handle the most challenging cases, meeting the demands of both accounting professionals and their insurance carriers with proficiency.

Comprehensive Accountants Malpractice Defense Services

Accounting claims are inherently complex, often involving technical issues such as accounting or auditing deficiencies, breach of fiduciary duty, conspiracy, failure to detect embezzlement, poor tax advice, and errors in consulting services. Our attorneys are well-versed in the intricacies of accounting law and industry standards. We stay updated on changes in GAAP, GAAS, and relevant tax laws to provide the most effective defense for our clients.

Attorney for Accountants Malpractice

Our firm handles litigation in both state and federal court systems, covering trial and appellate levels. We understand that each client’s defense strategy is unique, and we work closely with clients to align with their goals in a cost-efficient manner. Our approach involves:

  • Early Case Analysis: We thoroughly evaluate liability and damages early in the case to develop a resolution plan that meets client expectations.
  • Resolution Strategies: We pursue various methods such as motion practice, negotiation, mediation, or other creative solutions for early resolution, while preparing rigorously for trial if needed.
  • Effective Advocacy: Our attorneys are known for their zealous courtroom advocacy, simplifying complex cases for jurors to understand and achieve favorable verdicts.

Proactive Risk Management and Counseling

Preventing claims is a vital aspect of our practice. We offer counseling on risk management strategies, including:

  • Engagement Letters and Contracts: Advising on the proper use of engagement letters and client contracts.
  • File Management and Conflict Checks: Implementing best practices for file management and conflict checks.
  • Professional Liability Policies: Guidance on liability policies and coverage issues.

Additionally, we assist accountants who are subpoenaed as witnesses or custodians of records in third-party litigation, often preceding a claim. We also represent accounting clients before the New Jersey State Board of Accountancy.

Why Choose Hoagland Longo?

Choosing Hoagland Longo means benefiting from:

  • Extensive Litigation Experience: Our attorneys have extensive experience in defending accountants against malpractice claims, handling both technical and legal complexities.
  • Tailored Defense Strategies: We offer personalized defense plans and work closely with clients to achieve their objectives efficiently.
  • Proactive Risk Management: We provide valuable counseling on risk prevention and management to avoid future claims.
  • Reputation for Excellence: Known for zealous advocacy and effective case management, we simplify complex issues and strive for favorable outcomes in every case.

For effective defense against accountants' malpractice claims and proactive risk management, contact Hoagland Longo today to protect your professional reputation and financial interests.